Chaz James became deeply inspired with Natural Health Care and Eastern Medicine practices, after a family crisis of almost losing his mother to a severe auto-immune disorder when he was 12 years old. She had been working with doctors and feeling hopeless with their prognosis when she discovered a natural health practitioner who offered support from a nutrition and lifestyle approach. Within 6 months of following the “lifestyle” her condition was in complete remission and she was extremely inspired to support friends and others that she came in contact with. As a youngster, Chaz James began following along side his mother, going to meetings and taking deep dives into nutrition, SUPERFOODS, vitamins, minerals, life-force, how the body works, and what we need to be healthy, happy, and vibrant.

As years went on, Chaz James worked in catering and fine dining as he continued his education in the natural health field. He has received certifications as a Master Nutritionist, Iridologist, Herbalist, and Aromatouch Masseur. These skill sets have helped in creating fun and creative ways to support others in their health journeys.

In 2020, Chaz James founded the healthy lifestyle community, Vibe2Thrive. The mission is to “Raise Your Frequency” and deliciously feed the mouths and minds of the community. The focus is on connecting people at the heart level, exploring nutrition and healthy cooking, learning lifestyle tips, exploring nature together, and of course, always remembering to play.

To learn more about the Vibe2Thrive upcoming group events & workshops,  browse healthy recipes and tips, or to book an appointment with Chaz James, please view the Vibe2Thrive website.